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Advantage Africa 2018 Partners' Workshop Programme

Handout 1.1 People Bingo
Handout 3.1 Contributing to Advantage Africa's Strategic Plan
Handout 4.1 Strategic Plan Introduction
Handout 5.1 KDPO Strategy 2015-17 with Review Notes April 2017
Handout 5.2 SNUPA Partnership Agreement
Handout 6.1 Fundraising Strategy
Handout 6.2 Do and Donts of Donor Proposals
Handout 6.3 Proposal Critique and Donor Guidelines
Handout 6.4 Donor Relationships
Handout 6.5 Donor Meetings
Handout 9.1 Reports Dos and Don'ts
Handout 9.2 Report to Evan Cornish
Handout 9.3 Evaluation Questionnaire for Charles Hayward Poultry & Gala Goat Project
Handout 9.4 Evaluation Questionnaire used by Twaweza
Handout 12.1 Finance Quiz
Handout 12.2 Financial Health Check
Handout 12.3 Finance Exercise
Handout 12.4 Finance Exercise Answers
Handout 12.5 Advantage Africa Corruption Policy v3
Handout 12.6 Advantage Africa Policy on Financial Security
Handout 14.1 Advantage Africa - Children and Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy
Handout 14.2 Advantage Africa Guidelines for Visitors to Projects
Handout 15.1 HR Questionnaire
Handout 16.1 How to do Advocacy and Campaigning Guide
Handout 16.2 How to Develop a Constructive Relationship with Journalists
Handout 16.3 Tips for Pitching Story Ideas to Journalists
Handout 16.4 How to Write a Brilliant Press Release
Handout 16.5 Communications Guidelines for Disabled People
Handout 18.1 Changing Face of HIV
Handout 19.1 Evaluation Form

Presentation 2 Learning from Each Other
Presentation 3 Advantage Africa Strategic Plan
Presentation 4 and 5 Strategic Planning
Presentation 6 and 7 Partners Fundraising and Sustainability
Presentation 8 Partnership Agreements and Quarterly Cycle
Presentation 9 Impact Reporting Storytelling
Presentation 12 Finance Skills
Presentation 13 Mental Health Epilepsy and Autism
Presentation 14 and 15 Safeguarding
Presentation 16 Advocacy Campaigning Media
Presentation 17 Managing People

Watch the film of the workshop