Monitoring and evaluation is a vital part of Advantage Africa’s constant work to maximise the impact of our projects among disadvantaged people and build the skills and capacity of our partner organisations.
Our partnerships are based on two-way learning, and learning by doing! All our partners are trained in project cycle management, and how to plan, implement, monitor, report, evaluate and adapt their work to take account of this learning.
Project objectives, activities and indicators are embedded within formal partnership agreements. Indicators might include the number of children in nursery school, families provided with mosquito nets and hygiene kits or assisted with psychosocial support during home visits. Monthly or quarterly reporting is carried out against these as well as the all-important reporting of expenditure against budget. This all takes place using established systems and templates which form the basis of Advantage Africa’s Partnership Monitoring and Evaluation System.
As we measure progress against our aims and activities we make adjustments to ensure our projects keep on track with their targets. Advantage Africa and its partners also collect stories of changed lives that are ultimately the measure of our success.