Children eatingThe orphan feeding project in Obambo provides more than 27,000 nutritious meals a year to 85 of the community’s poorest local school children. The meal they receive every school day is often their only food of the day. In addition to helping the children’s health and physical development this daily lunch enables them to concentrate and achieve better results at school. Many pupils are from households that have lost both their parents to AIDS and are looked after by overstretched grandparents or their extended family.

Women weeding cropsCooking 85 plates of food every day is no mean feat. Advantage Africa has supported Obambo Community Action Group (OCAG) to build a kitchen for the project. An energy efficient cooking stove that saves on firewood has been installed to cater for the children. We’ve also provided funds for large tanks to collect water for cooking and drinking from the roofs of buildings.

Collecting the harvest by donkey cartBecause Advantage Africa promotes long term sustainable change we’ve helped OCAG to buy and cultivate farmland over two growing seasons each year with ploughing, planting, weeding and harvesting all done by local volunteers. The land is providing an increasing proportion of the maize and beans needed to feed the orphaned children.

Thanks go to Kamarama for helping Advantage Africa with our award winning Plate Project which raises funds for the orphan feeding and to Friends of Obambo for their past partnership.